It's time for me to finally head off to bed. I spent quite a bit of time tonight cleaning the house because tomorrow is Dylan's birthday. I'm feeling really sad that my little boy is turning two.

And I find myself asking the question, "Why do they have to grow up?" I'm so content with the age he is right now. He is so grown up for only being 2..if you ask him how to spell his name he replies..D...Y...L...A...N. and boy can our boy do puzzles.

He starts a new preschool class in a few weeks so I'm really excited to see him make some new friends. I often think about my parents and how they must feel seeing me now have kids of my own and they must reminisce about when I was little. All I know is that I sure am going to miss my "little" boy.

I guess one thing won't change and that's how much I love him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DYLAN