With Caleb I find myself wanting him to stay at the baby stage for longer. I've come to realize no matter how hard I try he's just going to grow up. With Dylan we were always so excited to help him advance to the next development stage....walking...talking....toilet training. And now with Caleb I just want things to go nice and slow. BUT THEY ARE NOT!

On October 2 Caleb pulled himself into a standing position. Now he's not only standing but maneuvering from coffee table to couch while standing. Two weeks ago he started climbing up the stairs (all the way up 15 stairs.) I guess the only milestone I'd really be excited to see right now is sleeping through the night. He's still breast feeding and loving it! Yesterday I worked a full day at Dylan's preschool, so Caleb was without mommy for 7 hours. The day away made him extra needy in the night, and left mommy extra tired today.