Good Friends & Good Wine.
It is always a pleasure and a privledge to spend time with good friends. This weekend we had the opportunity to do just that. Neil & Michelle managed to survive the long trek through the mountains and arrived here in Calgary friday afternoon. Although the weather was not the best - it didn't dampen our spirits. Movies, fine dining and the obligatory trip to IKEA were but a few of our weekend adventures.
Things have been very busy around here lately. Caleb is starting to stay awake for much longer periods of time, and demanding more of our attention (what happened to him just sleeping!!). Dylan is as rambuncious as ever and also competing for our attention. It seems the louder Caleb gets, the louder Dylan gets. Who would have thought??
Luke is busy finishing his final practicum and already has multiple units offering him full-time positions. All he has to do now is chose between beginning his career in clinical neurosciences or nephrology/transplant.
We have decided to come home for easter, so we look forward to catching up with friends and family then. Talk to you all soon.
Okay!!!! Home for Easter. I'm going to plan an evening for us to hang out with a bunch of Kamloopsians. Are you in?
I'm in!!
I'm glad you changed your template back guys, I was unable to comment on the last one. But maybe that was the point eh?
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