Having two children under the age of two is some days quite a task. But it is very seldom that I find myself with both of them asleep and me wondering, "What should I do?" So I guess I 've decided to blog.

The days of summer seem to have past us by even the nights are getting really cold. Most of the smaller trees in our nearby park have all turned yellow. Dylan will be the only Sheppard headed back to school in September. Poor daddy....he misses school already..YIKES! I personally think he's insane. Anyways, Dylan has been put in the three year old class I hope he does OK. He isn't even two and a half and my little baby will be with all the BIG BOYS.

So much for my quiet time Luke just came up and interrupted my blogging....three hours later Ok so now I'm back on track...Luke headed off to work. I find it so strange that I sometimes complain of having no free time and then when I have at least a half hour I struggle to keep myself doing "me" things. Me things involves activities like: painting my nails, scrapbooking (which I never do...but have all the necessary supplies) and baking. Instead I do laundry, dishes, and mop the floors. Ok so enough writing about it I think I'll go paint my nails!!
We should do some scrapbooking while I'm there... we'll send the boys (yes, all 5 of them) out somewhere..??
I'm wondering if you got both hands done before one of the boys woek up.
Sweet template.
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