This week was a busy one... Dylan's first day of SCHOOL!! Caleb got his second tooth, Luke worked 2 night shifts (which I hate), Caleb started to crawl, and Simba (Lion king) arrived.

Dylan had a great first day of school, he didn't even cry. Unfortunately most of the children in his class do not even speak but I'm sure Dylan will keep the teachers busy. Caleb started out the week by doing the inch worm...and now by the end of the week he is crawling, not fast but a slow crawl. So I guess I'm really going to be busy now!!!
Yaayyyy boys! What a week, Mar. Good job, Caleb! That last picture of Caleb is the best picture I have ever seen!
School? Am I missing something? How old is he? Is he going to be the next Doogie Howser or something?
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