So we've moved!!
My life is in total disarray... boxes, boxes and more boxes. The boys seem to be coping with the move somewhat smoothly. They are both waking up in the night 2-3 times so to sum it up I'm awake a large portion of the night (BLAH!) I've been trying to wean Caleb not because I want too but because I'm going on vacation in one month and I'm not taking him with me. I thought he'd be ready by now but boy was I wrong. As the hours pass by without some "booby juice" he gets so miserable not to mention aggressive! Maybe he's not ready and I should pump the week I'm away and give him bottles while I'm gone. But what if when I get back he's not interested in breastfeeding anymore?????? What do I do?
I'm sad that this is becoming a dilemma for you. It might be worth your happiness now to keep nursing and stock bm for him while you are gone. Then, if he has no interest when you return, then... he will be weaned and you will have less stress before you go.
I would wean him and at the times when you would have nursed him, cuddle him and sing to him. He probably doesn't need the milk as much as he needs the snuggling, especially after coping with moving. This is just a suggestion. As long as he is weaned before Kindergarten, do what works best for you and baby. ( I am kidding about the Kindergarten part).
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