Tough little guy!!
Water bugs
Caleb's First Tractor ride
I guess I 'm about due for another monthly post. Anyone who is still checking out my blog thanks for being patient. We have had a very busy month lots of time outside trying to keep the boys out of the grandparents hair. The move in date is still set for the 13th of July... its a Friday which makes our move date FRIDAY THE 13TH. So here are a few pictures from the last little while in our life. Last week Caleb had his first visit to the hospital (accident related) he had quite the gash above his eye and needed some "crazy glue" (the latest in stitch technology). I'm just surprised that it took him over a year to have his first injury. He is such a bruiser! Take care y'all and hope you are enjoying the heat!!! It's 37 right now!!!
Nana is CRAZY!!!
Looks like you guys are having lots of fun. Love ya!
Glad to see another post. Let us know if you need muscles for that move. I meant me, but I can probably bring Matt too if you'd like :-)
Nana is crazy!
I tagged you.
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